The Walk Home

The Walk Home explores the transition from “pre-George Floyd” to “post-George Floyd” America through the lens of one case that straddles that line in history: the killing of Manny Ellis in Tacoma, Wash.

It won a national Edward R. Murrow Award and was a finalist for a Scripps Howard award. It was also featured on NPR’s Up First podcast, appeared on Apple and Spotify charts for the top U.S. news podcasts, and was named one of Vulture’s “Best Podcasts of 2022 (So Far).

While other podcasts have done an excellent job deconstructing the second-by-second decisions police have made in cases of deadly force, The Walk Home aspires to something different: using the tools of investigative journalism and narrative storytelling to show how two versions of America, and decades of history, collided on one street corner.

I served as senior producer, helping lead a team from KNKX Public Radio and The Seattle Times to create an eight-part audio documentary that sounds distinct from other series about police violence and racism.